Sunday, March 20, 2011

So many Catholics I encounter profess proudly that they do not read the Bible.  Many of them even admit to having attended Catholic school and I find that many of these have deep-seated issues with religion that are hard to undo.  The fellow in this video seemed nice enough at first and even humorous in an endearing way that compelled me to not turn him away and let him keep talking.  It turned out that he was not interested in a real dialogue, and rather in taking cheap jabs at me.  The way he acted when I refuted his worldview with logic was pretty immature and I'm not sure how his behavior could even be considered showing off.  I'm not sure if his relativism was a direct consequence of flawed Catholic theology or if he's just another victim of our school system.  I wonder how he thinks he knows enough to level specific criticisms at the Bible while at the same time admitting that he does not read it.  At the end of the video James takes over to mock the fellow's behavior which really seemed to be the only appropriate answer at that point.

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