Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Reformer: "Say What you Will About Liberation Theology..."


Still Accepting Donations, just took the sidebar down.

     We're still accepting donations for the third street ministry. I just took the sidebar down because it seemed to be stumbling someone. If you'd like to donate or look at our spreadsheet of ministry needs, email me here at: reformermagazineinfo@gmail.com

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Reformer: Argument from Moral Conscience- Islam

The Reformer: Argument from Moral Conscience- Islam:  In regards to my last post, some may wonder why I'm presenting information which proves that there's no way around a literal interpretation....

(click on above link for whole article).

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Reformer: A Vision of Hell

The Reformer: A Vision of Hell:      A lot of people that know me wonder why I act as I do and place emphasis on things in life such as my blogs, and why I prioritize the w...

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Reformer: A Hard Question for Muslims

The Reformer: A Hard Question for Muslims:   In reference to the video-  A Muslim Tries My Question  from TheReformedapologist youtube, this blog's writer.    

     A lot of hard questions....

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Weak Atheistic Arguments (Video)

Video link- Weak Atheistic Arguments  From TheReformedapologist youtube channel

   James (all4Hisgloryalone on youtube) did an excellent job responding to atheist objections in this video and should be absolutely commended for exemplifying Colossians 4:6- speaking with grace, as though seasoned with salt, knowing how to respond to each person. Not only that, but he did so while not letting it look as though Christian arguments "lose." It was a good, calm, and well-reasoned set of responses to a highly emotional group that was surrounding and almost accosting him, and good use of Scripture. On top of that, the video received a good number of hits. Thank you, and good work James! And praise God!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Perky Muslim and Lackadaisical Atheist (video)

In reference to Video (link): Perky Muslim and Lackadaisical Atheist (video)  From TheReformedapologist, featuring this blog's writer.
     The muslim lady in this video was very upset afterwards and approached me off camera to talk for a long time. She simply wanted compassion in my presentation and didn't understand the form of compassion I was exhibiting (preaching the gospel out of love), and so the whole video is interesting on an emotional level. That said, she was being hypocritical for not following the basic commands of her own religion  (Quran 24:30-31, 33:59, not to mention that which is said in the hadiths).  She seemed ignorant that the documents of her own religion say that "the only valid religion to Allah is Islam" (Tafsir Ibn Kathir on Surah 3), and that the Quran itself, in Surah 3:85, says, "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, (submission to Allah, never will it be accepted of him, and in the hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good). That also made her somewhat hypocritical for espousing a religion which teaches that, and then criticizing me for staying true to the Bible which say that Jesus is the only way to God (see yesterday's post). However, she might not have been apprised that the more tolerant verses in the Qur'an (such as 29:46) have been "abrogated" by more intolerant verses (such as 9:5).
     In regards to judging, I agree it is better to not judge. The whole point, though, should have been that I wasn't judging to begin with. Just previous to when she came up I had probably been talking about the exclusivity claims of Christianity, and she probably "felt" judged. By her behavior and words, she didn't seem to be holding to a true form of Islam. She is probably what could be called a "nominal muslim"- muslim in name only, and seemed to be espousing some interesting relativistic and universalist tendencies. She was espousing the idea that our faiths, Islam and Christianity, should be somehow the same and just different in title, and that mine doesn't teach judging. No. In actuality her expressed universalist cool-club vagueness is not the same as the "faith, once and for all delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3). Now from all this, she's caused me to judge her on certain things.
   We can't live life without judging either, so when do judge we would do well to follow the command of judging righteously (John 7:47). Also, we are definitely allowed to judge worldviews as leading to hell or not, and that was her concern. I used Matthew 7:16-20 to rebut, and the "false prophets" the commentaries talk about could be applied to world religions, indeed, even Islam to be specific. She believes in Muhammad as a real prophet and I am judging him as a false prophet.
     After the atheist came up, the video became quite funny, and I think most people there were actually having fun with it. The atheist had an interesting argument dealing with astronomy, and I think she would do well to look at some of Hugh Ross's material- in particular the fine-tuning arguments (cosmological constant) and the argument from the size of the universe. The universe has to be the size and mass that it is in order to actually have the current diversity of chemical elements, and in order to support life as it is on Earth. My answer at the time, in this video, sufficed.  The atheist was not really willing to converse back and forth with me. She wanted to stand and accuse me of the very thing she was doing, which was standing and going off on people in disregard of the fact that many of them were there to just "go shopping" as she said.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

John 3:16 Presentation Interrupted by Police

I finally decided to share this video from autumn of 2013 when the police interrupted the presentation of the Gospel to make me turn down the PA system. That's fine, because I'm okay with obeying that ordinance of the law- it's just that it interrupted the Gospel presentation.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Reformer: Even the Name of Jesus Implies the Gospel Message ...

The Reformer: Even the Name of Jesus Implies the Gospel Message ...:      I was pleased to see this link this morning reposted from "the poached egg":   Jesus Is the Only Way to Heaven because Go...

The Reformer: Fulfilling the Apologetics Commands

The Reformer: Fulfilling the Apologetics Commands:      An article was posted on Twitter recently by The Poached Egg in which Pastor Matt Rawlings explains his position that pastors can be t...

The Reformer: Historicity of the Bible

The Reformer: Historicity of the Bible:      I saw this article posted recently by someone on facebook- Is the Bible a Reliable Historical Source?      Yes, the Bible is a reliab...

The Reformer: Insufficiency of General Revelation and "Inescapab...

The Reformer: Insufficiency of General Revelation and "Inescapab...:    In regards to a remark I made about "inescapable revelation" in the post "Even the Name of Jesus Implies the Gospel Messag...

The Reformer: Extra-Biblical Evidence for the Historical Reliabi...

The Reformer: Extra-Biblical Evidence for the Historical Reliabi...:     There was an article this morning on Truthbomb apologetics called  "How Historians Examine the New Testament Documents"   I do...

The Reformer: Violence in the Bible vs. the Quran

The Reformer: Violence in the Bible vs. the Quran:    I would say "dictum simplicitur" to the people who wrote this up for they have committed the fallacy of speaking to simply -  h...